Joensuu 1685: Ruby Lounge

This review is somewhat late, but a gig of such quality needs to be documented: three great bands providing real value and instilling a sense of faith in the kids of 2010.

First up were Asleep Beneath Volcanoes. There was something of the Fuck Buttons about this Kendal based two-piece: building and varied bleeps met fuzzed guitars with enough ideas to keep the paltry crowd interested. Towards the end of the set (where discerning tune from tune was difficult and mostly superfluous) one of the duo took up vocals whilst bashing a guttural rhythm from a single floor tom which only enhanced the cacophony further. Worth checking and looking out for. Myspace

Next came the visually and sonically arresting Barberos. Consisting of two drummers, an electronics conductor and a VJ, each bedecked in all in one silver suits, this outfit produced a tight, energising and amusing set. Sitting somewhere between Battles and Add N to X the symbolic fit of attire, visuals and sound was perfect and very entertaining. Despite one track coming uncomfortably close to J*zz, the sheer power of two drummers led to some jaw dropping moments. Myspace

Finally the headliners: Joensuu 1685. This Finnish trio impressed well above expectations with a blazing set where the influences are plainly obvious, but far transcended. An edifying mix of feedback, pounding metronomic drums (think Secret Machines) and bass, old keyboards twisted through effects and hymnal vocals speaking to themes of spiritual redemption, Joensuu 1685 are a startling live band. And the album is similarly striking. Go get, but try some below first.

Crystal Light

Baby, Baby, Baby

I’m on Fire (Bruce Springsteen Cover)


About angrybonbon

Both Bars On's Manchester correspondent

Posted on January 31, 2010, in Gig reviews and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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