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Lumerians (Transmalinnia) and Hills (Master Sleeps)

With no need for your permission I present two lovely slabs of psyche that have been garnering a steady stream of listens round these parts over the last few months.

First up are Lumerians with their first long player Transmalinnia. Coming from San Francisco you’d expect a hallucinatory dose of whirling organs and guitars, bound to a propelled rhythm, and in this respect Lumerians don’t let the listener down. So whilst tracks such as ‘Black Tusk’ are a little too ‘(Listen to the) Flower People’ for real comfort, and ‘Xulux’ seems to be re-creating the soundtrack to The Manson Family’s tragic exploits (replete with mid-section of stabbing rhythms and blood-curdling screams), when they push the genre, particularly on the dizzying throb of ‘Calalini Rises’, Lumerians present something really attention-grabbing, less than obvious and worth a listen. Purchase.

Atlanta Brook:

Calalini Rises

Second, and delivering something much more rounded and consistent, are Hills with Master Sleeps. Coming from Gothenburg you wonder quite how they manage to engender such a sun-scorched climate of feverish and disorienting heat across the six tracks collected here. Thus if the second track of ‘Bring Me Sand’ is an instruction to listener or a desired ritual outcome of the band’s performance then I’d imagine they’re drowning in the stuff. To cut to the chase, if you find an area of your listening pleasures on the Wooden Shjips-Loop continuum then this will do the business. Definitely recommended. Purchase.

Bring Me Sand
